Nuestras publicaciones
One parameterisation to fit them all
G. Arciniega, M. Jaber, L. G. Jaime and O. Rodriguez
Implementation of two field inflation for cosmic linear anisotropy solving system
B. Morales-Martinez, G. Arciniega, L. G. Jaime and G. Piccinelli.
Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 342, Issue 58, pp. 58-62
Inflationary predictions of Geometric Inflation
G. Arciniega, L. G. Jaime y G. Piccinelli.
PLB 809, 135731 (2020)
Cosmic Inflation without inflaton
G. Arciniega, P. Bueno, P. Cano, R. Hennigar, J. D. Edelstein y L. G. Jaime
IJMP D, 1944, 008-1 (2020)
(Mención honorífica en los premios 2019 de la Fundación para la investigación en Gravitación.)
Geometric inflation
G. Arciniega, P. Bueno, P. Cano, R. Hennigar, J. D. Edelstein and L. G. Jaime
PLB 802, 135242 (2020)
Towards purely geometric inflation and late time acceleration
G. Arciniega, J. D. Edelstein and L. G. Jaime
PLB 802, 135272 (2020)
Response to an External Magnetic Field of the Decay Rate of a Neutral Scalar Field into a Charged Fermion Pair
Jorge Jaber-Urquiza, Gabriella Piccinelli, Ángel Sánchez,
PRD 99, 056011 (2019)
Magnetic field effect on the decay process of a neutral scalar boson to charged fermions
G. Piccinelli, J. Jaber‐Urquiza, A. Sánchez. 2019. 4 pp.
Astron.Nachr. 340 (2019) no.1-3, 230-233
Kicks of magnetized strange quark stars induced by anisotropic emission of neutrinos.
Angel Sánchez, Jorge S. Ruíz Montaño
PRD 97, 103008 (2018) 103008
Neutron stars velocities and magnetic fields.
Daryel Manreza Paret, A.Perez Martinez, Alejandro. Ayala, G. Piccinelli, A. Sanchez
EPJ Web Conf. 172 (2018), 7 pp. 07002,
Modified gravity for surveys
Luisa G. Jaime, Mariana Jaber and Celia Escamilla-Rivera
PRD 98, 083530 (2018)
Cosmic acceleration in asymptotically Ricci flat Universe
L. G. Jaime and M. Salgado
PRD 98, 084045 (2018).
Charged fermion gas polarization in strong magnetic fields
D. Manreza Paret, A.Perez Martinez, Alejandro Ayala, G. Piccinelli, A. Sánchez
Astronomische Nachrichten/ AN338 (2017) no.9-10, 5 pp., 1131-1135,
Scalar boson decay in presence of magnetic fields.
Gabriella Piccinelli, Angel Sánchez
Astronomische Nachrichten/ AN338 (2017) no.9-10, 6 pp., 1136-1141,
Charged fermion gas polarization in strong magnetic fields.
D. Manreza Paret,A. Perez Martinez, Alejandro Ayala, G. Piccinelli and A. Sánchez
Astronomische Nachrichten/ AN(2017)338 (2017) no.9-10, 1131-1135, 6 pp.
Lemaître–Tolman–Bondi solutions in f (R) gravity
R. Sussman and L. G. Jaime
Class.Quant.Grav. 34 no.24, 245004 (2017).
Quantum Faraday Effect in the Universe.
Lídice Cruz Rodríguez, Aurora Pérez Martínez, Gabriella Piccinelli, Elizabeth Rodríguez Querts
International Journal of Modern Physics Conf. Ser. 45 (2017) 1760046, 8 pp.
A non-perturbative study of the evolution of cosmic magnetized sources.
I.Delgado Gaspar, A. Pérez Martínez, G. Piccinelli, Roberto A. Sussman,
General Relativity and Gravitation 48 (2016) 24 pp.
Spherically symmetric black holes in f(R) gravity: Is the geometric hair supported?
P. Canate, L. G. Jaime and M. Salgado.
Class.Quant.Grav. 33 no.15, 155005 (2016).
Effect of a primordial magnetic field on the inflaton decay process in a warm inflation scenario.
M. Bastero-Gil, G. Piccinelli, A. Sánchez, Astronomische Nachrichten / AN 336, No. 8/9, 805-809 (2015),
Early Universe evolution in presence of magnetic fields.
I. Delgado Gaspar, A. Pérez Martínez, G. Piccinelli, R.A. Sussman
Astronomische Nachrichten / AN 336, No. 8/9, 800-804 (2015)
On the instability of the SM for magnetic fields larger than M_W^2/e
A. Cabo Montes de Oca, D. Manreza Paret, A. Pérez Martínez, E. Rodriguez Querts, G. Piccinelli,
Astronomische Nachrichten / AN 336, No. 8/9, 845-850 (2015),
Diagnostic of f(R) under the Om(z) function
L. G. Jaime.
Phys Rev D. 91, 124070 (2015).
Brighter branes, enhancement of photon production by strong magnetic fields
in the gauge/gravity correspondence, G. Arciniega, F. Nettel, P. Ortega and L. Patiño
JHEP 1404 (2014) 192
Geometric description of the thermodynamics of a black hole with power Maxwell
invariant source, G. Arciniega and A. Sánchez. (2014)
[arxiv:1404.6319 [math-ph]]
Warm inflation in the presence of magnetic fields.
Gabriella Piccinelli, Ángel Sánchez, Alejandro Ayala, Ana Julia Mizher,
Physical Review D 90 (2014) 14 pp., 083504
Note on the equation of state of geometric dark-energy in f(R) gravity
L. G. Jaime, L. Patiño, and M. Salgado
Phys Rev D. 89, 084010 (2014).
Habitable zones with stable orbits for planets around binary systems
L. G. Jaime, L. Aguilar and B. Pichardo.
MNRAS (2014) 443 (1): 260-274.
Topological quantization of the free massive bosonic field,
G. Arciniega, F. Nettel, L. Patiño and H. Quevedo J.
Geom. Symmetry Phys. 26 (2013) 1
Topological discretization of bosonic strings,
G. Arciniega, F. Nettel, L. Patiño and H. Quevedo
Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 82 (2013) 1, 65
About the matter and dark energy domination era in R n gravity or lack thereof.
L. G. Jaime, L. Patiño, and M. Salgado
Phys Rev D. 87, 024029 (2013)
Regions of Dynamical Stability for Planets in Binary Stars of the Solar Neighbor-
L. G. Jaime, B. Pichardo and L. Aguilar
MNRAS (2012) 427 (4): 2723-2733. arXiv:1208.2051
f(R) gravity revisited
L. G. Jaime, L. Patiño, and M. Salgado
arXiv:1206.1642 [gr-qc].
A robust approach to f(R) gravity
L. G. Jaime, L. Patiño, and M. Salgado
Phys Rev D. 83, 024039 (2011). arXiv:1006.5747